lcs+ 초음파 센서

Sensorbild - Matrix


새롭게 출시되는 lcs+초음파 센서는 매우 콤펙트한 사각 하우징으로- 아날로그 또는 스위칭 출력 + IO LINK가 지원됩니다.

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  • 62 mm * 62 mm * 37.2 mm의 컴팩트한 사이즈
  • 새로운 산업에 대응하는 IO-Link 인터페이스
  • 최대 10개의 근접한 센서간의 싱크조절
  • 최대 감지거리 8m
  • 캐네디안, US 안전 기준 UL 인증 등록
  • Smart Sensor Profiles more transparency between IO-Link Devices


  • NPN 또는 PNP 1접점 출력
  • 4-20 mA 또는 0-10 V 아날로그 출력
  • T1, T2 두개의 버튼을 통한 센서 설정
  • 분해능 0.18mm – 2.4mm
  • 온도 비교분석
  • 작동 전압 9-30 V
  • PC로 센서를 설정 하는 링크컨트롤


The lcs+ ultrasonic sensors

have a block-like plastic housing with a base area of only 62 x 62 mm and four fastening bores.

The sensors are Listed to applicable UL Standards and requirements by UL for Canada and the US.

Two dual colour LEDs

show all operating statuses.

Three output stages are available for selection:

1 Push-Pull switching output with pnp or npn switching technology
2 pnp switching outputs
1 analogue output 4–20 mA or 0–10 V

Using the two Teach-in buttons T1 and T2

the lcs+ sensors can be easily set.

The Ics+ sensors with switching output have three operating modes:

  • Single switching point
  • Two-way reflective barrier
  • Window mode

Teach-in of a single switching point

  • Place object to be detected (1) at the desired distance
  • Push button T2 for about 3 seconds
  • Then push button T2 again for about 1 second

Teach-in of a switching point

Teach-in of a two-way reflective barrier

with a fixed mounted reflector

  • Push button T1 for about 3 seconds
  • Then push button T1 again for about 10 seconds

Teach-in of a two-way reflective barrier

For setting the analogue output

  • Initially position the object to be detected to the sensor-close window limit (1)
  • Push button T1 for about 3 seconds
  • Then move the object to the sensor-distant window limit (2)
  • Then push button T1 again for about 1 second

Teach-in of an analogue characteristic or a window with two switching points

For configuration of a window

with two switching points on a single switched output, the procedure is the same as setting the analogue.

Analogue sensors

check the connected working resistance at the output and automatically switch to 4–20 mA current output or 0–10 V voltage output.


and rising/falling analogue characteristics can also be set via the buttons.


permits comprehensive parameterisation of lcs+ ultrasonic sensors via the LinkControl adapter LCA-2 which connects the sensors to the PC.

Sensor connected to the PC via LCA-2 for programming

Easy to synchronise

If several lcs+ ultrasonic sensors are operated in one application, the can be synchronised via pin 5 to prevent.

Synchronisation using pin 5

If more than 10 sensors must be synchronised, this can be carried out with the SyncBox1, which is available as an accessory. Synchronisation via pin 5 is also possible in IO-Link mode.


Ultrasonic sensors lcs+340/F/A and lcs+600/F/A have a Push-Pull switching output and support IO-Link in version 1.1 as well as the Smart Sensor profile.
