mic 초음파 센서

Sensorbild - Matrix


모든 메탈 mic 센서들은 다섯 가지의 검출 영역을 갖은 두 가지 디자인으로 가능합니다.

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  • M30 housing and M12 circular connector in metal design for harsh usage conditions
  • Automatic synchronisation for simultaneous operation of up to ten sensors in close quarters
  • 캐나다 및 미국 안전 표준에 대한 UL 인증


  • 1 switching output in pnp variant
  • Analogue output 4–20 mA and 0–10 V with automatic switching between current and voltage outputs
  • 5 detection ranges with a measurement range of 30 mm to 8 m
  • microsonic Teach-in on pin 5
  • 0.18 mm to 2.4 mm resolution
  • Temperature compensation
  • 9~30V 작동 전압
  • 링크컨트롤(LinkControl) PC로 센서를 환경설정


매우 튼튼한 구조

M12원형 콘넥터에 M30 전부 메탈하우징으로 되어있다. 센서에 모든 운용요소 및 신호램프등이 포함되어 있지않고 기계적 강도가 높은 하우징과 플러그 콘넥터를갖추고 있어서 극한환경 조건에서 사용하기 적합합니다.센서는 30mm 측정영역부터 다섯분류의 측정영역에서 유용합니다.

M12 metal circular connector (left) and operation under rough conditions (right)

두가지 출력 레벨

모든 다섯 측정영역에서 유용합니다.

1 pnp switching output
1 analogue output 4–20 mA and 0–10 V

Sensors with switching output have three operating modes:

  • Single switching point
  • Two-way reflective barrier
  • Window mode

Teach-in of a single switching point

  • Place object to be detected (1) at the desired distance
  • Apply +UB to pin 5 for about 3 seconds
  • Then apply +UB to pin 5 again for about 1 seconds

Teach-in of a switching point

Teach-in of a two-way reflective barrier with a fixed reflector

  • Apply +UB to pin 5 for about 3 seconds
  • Then apply +UB to pin 5 again for about 10 seconds

Teach-in of a two-way reflective barrier

For configuration of a window

  • Place object at the near edge of the window (1)
  • Apply +UB to pin 5 for about 3 seconds
  • Then move the object to the far edge of the window (2)
  • Then apply +UB to pin 5 again for about 1 seconds

Teach-in of an analogue characteristic or a window with two switching points


증가/감소 아나로그 구간을 pin5를 통해  세트할수 있다. 


optionally permits the extensive parameterisation of mic sensors. The LCA-2 LinkControl adapter available as an accessory can be used to connect mic sensors to the PC.

Sensor connected to the PC via LCA-2 for programming


permits the simultaneous use of multiple mic sensors in an application. To avoid mutual interference, the sensors can be synchronised with one another. To do this, all the sensors are electrically connected on pin 5.

Synchronisation using Pin 5

If more than 10 sensors must be synchronised, this can be carried out with the SyncBox1, available as an accessory.
